Thursday, February 23, 2012

Playtime in Perth

For Valentine's Day this year, we spent a long weekend in Western Australia. We had purchased buy-one-get-one-free plane tickets from Jetstar several months ago, and we were looking forward to the beautiful beaches in the area.

My Baywatch husband!
We flew in late on Friday night and stayed at a bed and breakfast near the airport. On Saturday, we headed to Scarborough Beach in Perth. One of my roommates from the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) program is from Perth. I shared an apartment with Ben and six other roommates when I taught in Dallas. Anyway, we met up with Ben for coffee before Zack and I spent the day on the beach. Originally we planned on surfing, but the waves weren't that great, so we just swam and relaxed on the beautiful white sand. The water was so clear and warm; I wish it was like that in Victoria!

We spent Saturday night at Ben's place, and he and his partner showed us around the city that evening. On Sunday morning, I even got to feed and hold their pet chickens!
Roomies reunited!

I'm not sure I've ever held a chicken before!

On Sunday, we headed out to the Margaret River region to visit some wineries, but I'll write about that in another post. We spent the evening in Busselton at another bed and breakfast. The picture below is of the famous Busselton Jetty. It's over a mile long (one of the longest in the Southern hemisphere) and has been featured on MasterChef. Look for more upcoming entries about our time in Western Australia!

Busselton Jetty


  1. I love chickens. Were you able to collect eggs in the morning? You are just a country girl Aubree!!

    1. Yeah, I did collect one egg in the morning! Interesting fact I didn't know: brown chickens lay brown eggs and white chickens lay white ones. There must not be many white chickens in Australia, because I haven't seen a white egg since I moved here.
