Saturday, September 1, 2012

Flying into Queenstown

Okay, I know it seems like all my posts are about traveling lately. I promise that we do lead somewhat normal lives most of the time. Well, maybe not completely "normal," but it just took me a really long time to finish all of the Thailand and Bali posts from our trip in July. In mid-August we flew to New Zealand for a long snowboarding weekend with Adam and Emily and Todd and Alena (other American expats). They had all been there before, but our big New Zealand trip is going to be over Christmas break this December/January, so it was all new to us.

We flew into the picturesque city of Queenstown on the South Island of New Zealand. For me, this was one of the best parts of the trip. The views were amazing, and I was so happy to have a window seat on the plane! It felt like we were flying just above the mountains, and I took tons of (illegal while flying) pictures. Even the little airport was surrounded by mountains. Here are some of my favorite shots...

My upcoming posts will talk about the snowboarding and other things we did during our New Zealand weekend. In the meanwhile, I'm doing really exciting things like teaching five year olds, folding laundry, and making dinner!

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