Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Aboriginal Art

Yesterday I spent the afternoon walking around Federation Square (more about that in another entry), and I stopped in the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV).  Most of the exhibits were free, so even though I'm not much of an artsy fartsy person, it was cool to see some Australian artists' work.  I especially liked the first floor, which was full of Aboriginal art.  Each painting tells a story, and its description was next to it.  I liked the colorful ones.
Last week, I stopped in a shop down in the CBD that has this type of art for sale.  These large ones cost $20,000 or more!  Bummer, because it'd be cool to have one of these colorful paintings above a couch in our house some day.  Anyway, I'm not even sure if I was allowed to take pictures in here, but I did.  I kept the flash off and snapped quickly!  I'll put the rest of my pictures on my Shutterfly site.  Enjoy!

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